
Aronta è quel ch'al ventre li s'atterga,
che ne' monti di Luni, dove ronca
lo Carrarese che di sotto alberga

ebbe tra ' bianchi marmi la spelonca
per sua dimora; onde a guardar le stelle
e 'l mar no li era la veduta tronca.
A. Dante, Inferno XX

Moneta Marmi's Work

Our little family business is specilized in works concerning white marble. Placed in the small town of Carrara it offers services and products that only the little business' quality can offer. It is mainly directed to the final consumer, who wants really to realize his dream of having rooms, stairs or even just a simple sink made in marble. Moneta Marmi helps you realizing your stone dreams, from the take-over to the installation. Do not let big companies scare you, Moneta Marmi with its tradition and devotion, not ignoring professionality and experience in the marble and stone sector, can accompain you through the whole working process: a technician will always be ready to take a survey, such as transport and installation can be organized directly by us. Do you need instead bigger supplies? Such as blocks, large sizes of stone or white marble? View our supplies page.

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